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Love is a verb

 Love is a verb

Love is a verb

Today is Valentine's Day. It is a special day for me and Karen, because on Valentine's Day sixteen years ago we started dating. Our relationship has certainly been blessed, and we have been married now for more than fourteen years, and we have three wonderful children. As I'm thinking about relationships today, I remembered the story of a married man who went to a marriage counselor. The man confessed to the psychotherapist his true feelings, saying: “I no longer feel any feelings of love towards my wife.” The therapist looked at him and asked him: “When was the last time you did anything?” »:,,. I love her with her? He answered: “It doesn’t really matter because I no longer feel for her, but you did not answer the question: When was the last time you acted lovingly toward her?” The man replied with some frustration: “And you don’t hear me. I no longer feel any feelings of love for her!” “Maybe you misunderstood love. You think of it as just a feeling, but it's actually an action. You think that if you feel something for her, you will do something for her, but in reality it is the opposite. Act with love in a completely non-selfish way, and without presuppositions about receiving something in return, and you will feel loved again. » The man complained as he left the session, but he promised to try it. A week later, he returned as scheduled, “It worked!” He declared, “I love her again.” The counselor nodded smiling as the man left to resume his life's journey with his wife. On this day full of love, remember that romantic feelings can fade, and this may actually happen. Love is an action, so act with love and your emotions will follow your action. To my wonderful wife, thank you for the past sixteen years. I loved being married to you and look forward to continuing our love journey together. From the book 44 Amazing by: Darren Bock
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